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  • Address

    M. Laginje 1,
  • Telephone

    Phone: 047 645 888
    Mobile phone: 091 6453 056
  • Email,

The Kristal Restaurant is located on the second floor of the Bakin business building in Karlovac, which is easily accessible from the toll booths, i.e. the Karlovac exit from the Zagreb - Rijeka motorway.

  • Arrival from the toll booths

    Proceed straight along the fast city road towards Karlovac and turn left at the second intersection (railway station); continue 200 meters to the next intersection, turn left and after 50 meters turn left again.
  • Arrival from the toll booths

    At the toll booths, turn left and continue another 800 m towards the first intersection with the traffic lights; 50 meters before that intersection, you need to turn right and you have reached your destination.

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